Saber tooth fitted and RX in fore ground, As this will be controlled by remote for the promo.
Alloy bracket battery holder.
Battery fitted,3000NiMh
Servo disc for arm servo.
Spacer discs for the arm servos.
Servo rails.
Extension servo discs added to servo .
Cut out for servo discs.
Pair of arm servos ready to mount in Wall-E.
Servo extension discs through hole.
Arm servos now mounted.
Neck tilt servo and brackets.
Neck tilt servo ready to be connected to the neck.
Parts for the neck return ballance spring.
As you can see the servo is connected to a bellcrank to give a 2:1 ratio.
Rod that attaches to the servo and Neck.
Rod in place.
Return spring fitted, this takes the load of the neck.
This is the area where the micro servo is fitted for the front door.
This is a later mod to the bellcrank, it needed to be 3:1 so it is longer.
Now to put all the wiring together.
Close up of the wiring.
Micro servo for the front door.
Another view of the micro servo for the front door.
Looking under the perspex bottom at the door servo.
Ultra micro servo for the door.
Servo horn in door.
Wall-E with his son, Interactive Wall-E.
Part 9
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Copyright 2007
About this page
Welcome to this robotic site, I have some tutorials on my workshop and robots. I also have several robot designs and I would like to share some of them with you. I am married to Carol and have one son Jamie 14 yrs old. I will update this site Monthly on a regular basis. I have a number of robots on this site so go to the navigation and peruse the contents. There is also a section on building high end gaming PC's.