Making molds for ED 209's feet.
I am in the process of making 6 molds for ED 209's feet, this will be constructed from 1.5mm ply and balsa wood, I will go through the process that I do when making model aircraft molds as it is the same process, There will be a number of pics in this section over time as this is a slow process, but the results should look pretty good. The final feet will be cast in carbon fiber with some alloy embedded in the carbon. This will be mainly for hinge points on the feet.

First we make the base of the feet out of 1.5mm ply x 4 [ two shown ].

Front, back and outer side base feet.

Balsa back uprights for foot.

Balsa back uprights glued to base feet, also not that the plastic feet in the top of pic, my feet are based on this design but wider.

Sanding the right angle, beveled angle comes next.

This was just a base board to get closer to the sanding wheel as we want minimum gap between sander and object being sanded.

Noe sanding the compound angle, balsa is underneath the ply.

Compound angles now done.

Close up of compound angles.

Front balsa now added with the same compound angles.

In place to check fit. These will eventually be hinged.

The sides of the feet extensions are on the out edge only as the feet are to close for inner extensions.

In place for a full shot. Now I need to know what you all think about the side extensions, need them or not?? just front and back?? Don't forget that the feet have to be covered in all round, This is the early stage of making the plugs.
Front balsa now shaped.
Close up.
The side extensions will be cut in half to form two side feet.
Side extensions now cut in two.
Ready for the next stage, filling in sides of feet.
Sides filled in.
Feet filled in ready for the tops.
Placement of feet extensions.
Close up of mold.
1.5mm ply tops for feet.
Ply tops glued in place and sanded.
In place, the center of the black plate will also be filled in to make the foot look whole.
This stage complete, Shaping now begins and added thin ply for simulated metal panels on top of feet.
Update to ED 209 foot molds
Ok, been busy continuing these foot plugs to make carbon molds, i have a number of pics for this today, It's a long process so if you get bored I will understand.
6mm sq spruce, This is really not needed but had it in stock, These have been cut to the bi- ped foot base length and width.
Grease proof paper laid down to glue timber, I will be using cyno here as it is quick.
Set square used to get 90 degrees correct.
Fitted to foot plate to check size.
Frames made and angles marked for sanding.
Angles sanded to match foot front sections.
Front view of angles.
6mm balsa for the tops.
Dremel scroll saw to cut balsa, gives a neat cut.
Cut to shape for top of foot.
After blocks have been glued, Next sand sides to match the front feet.
Fitted in place for a trial fit.
Front and side feet in place for trial fit.
6mm balsa for the rear frames.
Both frames mated for fitting, We have to do two halves here so that we can slide them together from front and rear.
Another trial fit after shaping.
More shaping.
A bit more tricky, now filling in the angle corner where the side feet meet.
Shaping taking place.
Again fitted to check sections.
Starting to look the part, Still a lot of work to do though.
More tomorrow.
ED 209 feet reduction.
I have reduced my feet by half on the sides and back due to popular demand ha ha, I have to agree it does look better.

Back feet reduced by half and steeper angle.

Side feet also reduced by half and steeper angle.

More in proportion now.

Front view, Thanks guys, Tyberious and GWJax for pointing this out, sometimes you get a one track mind and don't see the obvious.