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'{$STAMP BS2} '{$PBASIC 2.5}
'This program is set to use only 5 of the LFM sensors 'They are placed at: 10100100101 ' 0 0 'The jumper set to 5
LMotor CON 13 'Left servo pin RMotor CON 12 'Right servo pin
LEDon CON 0 'Constant to turn LED on LEDoff CON 1 'Constant to turn LED off
Wline CON 0 'Use to sense white lines on black Bline CON 1 'Use to sense black lines on white LFmode CON Wline 'Set which line type
MStop CON 750 'Basic Speed setting for servos, see the CBA manual Speed100L CON 870 'Replace these values with the ones you found in testing Speed075L CON 831 Speed050L CON 815 Speed025L CON 804 Speed010L CON 793 Speed100R CON 500 Speed075R CON 650 Speed050R CON 690 Speed025R CON 705 Speed010R CON 720
PulseWidthRt VAR Word 'Variables for pulse widths to servos PulseWidthLt VAR Word
LEDPos VAR Nib 'The rest of the variables LFMBits VAR Byte lastBits VAR Byte steer VAR Nib
Initialize: 'Initialize pins for LF module, P0 is input, P1 - P5 output OUTL = %00111110 DIRL = %00111110 LastBits = %00100 'LastBits keeps track of where the line was last, initialize to center
PAUSE 2000 'Pause at start of program to allow time to set robot down
'*** This is the start of the main program loop *** DO GOSUB Read_LFM 'Just as it sounds, read the LF module to see where line is
IF LFMBits = 0 THEN 'Off the line is a special case. This changes the LF reading to think LFMBits = lastBits 'it was still on the line in the state it was just before it went off the line. ENDIF 'That way it keep turning in the correct direction, while still looking for the line.
steer = NCD LFMBits 'Looks to see which sensor the line is under 'NCD takes the highest bit set in the variable lfBits and sets steer to its position. 'as example %00001000 will set steer to 4
'In the branch below we go to the pulse that is needed based on where the line is BRANCH Steer - 1, [Hard_left, left, Straight, Right, Hard_Right] 'Minus 1 because Branch starts at 0 BackFromBranch: 'Branch has to come back to a label
PULSOUT Lmotor, PulseWidthLt 'Send pulse to left PULSOUT Rmotor, PulseWidthRt 'Send pulse to right lastBits = LFMBits 'Save the LF reading so we can use it later if needed LOOP
'---- Subs----- Read_LFM: LFMBits = 0 'Clear last reading FOR LedPos = 1 TO 5 'Setup to loop through each sensor LED read only 5 sensors OUTL.LOWBIT(ledPos) = LEDon 'Turn LED on PAUSE 1 'Pause so sensor can respond LFMBits.LOWBIT(ledPos) = IN0 ^ LFmode 'Read state of sensor, save into the bit position of that sensor OUTL = OUTL | %01111110 'Turn off any and all sensor LEDs NEXT LFMBits = LFMBits >>1 'When done with reading shift bits right one because RETURN ' sensors start at P1 not P0
'* The 5 posabilities of steering are here* Hard_Right: PulseWidthLt = Speed100L PulseWidthRt = Speed010R GOTO BackFromBranch
Right: PulseWidthLt = Speed100L PulseWidthRt = Speed025R GOTO BackFromBranch
Straight: PulseWidthLt = Speed100L PulseWidthRt = Speed100R GOTO BackFromBranch
Left: PulseWidthLt = Speed025L PulseWidthRt = Speed100R GOTO BackFromBranch
Hard_Left: PulseWidthLt = Speed010L PulseWidthRt = Speed100R GOTO BackFromBranch
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